Above is a picture of one of the fantastic courses served at my sister's husband's birthday/their wedding. This is by far one of the most memorable meals from 2010, for many reasons, gorgeous food, family, fun, it can't get much better. I hope that 2011 will bring even more fantastic meals and occasions.
So sorry for the lack of posts during December, I've been ill. busy at work, and when I've been cooking it hasn't been very successful. Never have I burnt so much in our oven as during the past month... Luckily I managed to get home to Sweden for Christmas and gorge myself on all my favourite Swedish food like sour milk (instead of yoghurt for breakfast), Swedish cheeses, deer and reindeer, and of course my beloved salty liquorice, for a week. I also managed to eat this:

Anyhow, as we've now started a new year, I think it is appropriate for me to give a couple of food blogging new years resolution.
First, I will cook more and try to update the blog twice a week.
Secondly, I will try to also write about the food I eat when I go out. There are so many great places to eat in London, and I really should try more. The greatest problem is usually trying to remember to take a picture of the food before I eat it..., a difficult task when you're hungry and greedy :)
Finally, have a happy 2011 and hope you all will have time to enjoy more meals with great company!
Happy new year sister! I agree that the food at Lars's 40th birthday was good and we hope that you will enjoy the Sunday brunch at the same restaurant when you are coming to Aarhus 21-23th of January.